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We'll work with you to find and fix vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, systems, and applications. With an impenetrable combination of threat-prevention, detection, and response, we'll also assist you in strengthening your organization's security posture.


Overall, our approach is thorough and ethical, with a focus on identifying and mitigating security risks for our clients through a three-step process of reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, and penetration testing.

Attack Surface Management

By leveraging open-source intelligence techniques to explore and compile an extensive report on your online presence, which would involve an in-depth analysis of all publicly available information about your business.  Risk Mitigation ​ An OSINT scan can help a company identify potential risks, such as cyber threats, fraud, and reputational damage. By monitoring online activity and identifying potential threats early on, a company can take proactive measures to mitigate these risks before they become more serious. Regulatory Compliance ​ An OSINT scan can help a company ensure that it is complying with relevant regulations, such as data protection laws. By monitoring online activity, the company can identify potential areas of non-compliance and take corrective measures to avoid fines or legal action.


After conducting an attack surface management scan to gather information about your online presence, the next step is to perform a vulnerability assessment. This assessment involves identifying potential attack vectors based on the information that was gathered during the OSINT scan. The vulnerability assessment is a non-invasive process, meaning that we do not attempt to exploit any weaknesses that are identified. Instead, the goal is to identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system, without causing any damage or disruption. For example, we may discover an outdated web server that is vulnerable to attacks. This could be due to the fact that the server is running on an older version of software that has known security vulnerabilities. By identifying this vulnerability, we can recommend that the software be updated to a more secure version to mitigate the risk of an attack. Other potential vulnerabilities that may be identified during a vulnerability assessment could include weak passwords, unsecured network ports, outdated software, or misconfigured firewalls. Overall, the goal of a vulnerability assessment is to provide a comprehensive overview of potential weaknesses in the system, so that appropriate measures can be taken to address them before an attacker exploits them. By proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, businesses can improve their security posture and protect their assets and data from cyber attacks.


After conducting a vulnerability assessment to identify potential weaknesses in the system, the next step in a comprehensive security testing process is to perform a penetration test, commonly referred to as a pen test. The pen test involves attempting to exploit the vulnerabilities that were identified in the previous assessment. Before proceeding with the pen test, we will establish clear rules and a scope for the test. This ensures that the testing is conducted in a controlled environment and does not result in any unintended damage or disruption. The rules and scope of the pen test may include restrictions such as not attacking specific servers or systems, or only attacking during certain hours of the day. These rules and restrictions are established in collaboration with the client and are designed to ensure that the testing is conducted in a safe and controlled manner. During the pen test, our team of security experts will attempt to simulate a real-world cyber attack, using a variety of techniques and tools to exploit the identified vulnerabilities. This could include attempting to gain unauthorized access to systems or networks, stealing sensitive data, or disrupting critical systems and services. The goal of the pen test is to identify any weaknesses in the system's defenses and to provide recommendations for improving security. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers, businesses can significantly reduce their risk of a data breach or other cyber attack. Overall, the pen test is an important component of a comprehensive security testing process, and can help businesses to identify and mitigate potential threats to their critical assets and data.

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